Saturday, May 06, 2006

The lowdown

I got an email from Sugar Mtn. I asked some questions about the course, specifically course length and number of laps. Here's what I found out; The course is 6.5 miles (approximately) and we'll be doing 1 lap.

There's some good and bad to this news...

The Good:
Considering the climbing that we'll be doing, 1 lap will probably be more than enough.
With 1lap I don't have to worry about any feed zone issues. One bottle will do just fine.

The Bad:
Doing only 1 lap means I'll have to keep the intensity super high and work damned hard to keep towards the front, because 6.5 miles will go by fast. I won't have a second lap to keep picking off competitors. There will definitely be some serious strategy needed for this race.

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