Saturday, July 08, 2006


Well, doesn't that suck?
Floyd just ain't havin' good luck with TT's in the Tour. He's got some mad skillz though...changed bikes and STILL managed to take 2nd place. If he can do well in the mtns I think Landis will get the yellow jersey. Go Floyd!

Pulled a 2hr session this morning, complete with 40 minutes of tempo riding. Whew... I'm beat.
I forgot to charge my ipod, so I had to listen to the wind whistling thru my helmet straps. What do you do when you don't have some music to pass the time? You take pictures of yourself.

I know. It's lame, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Right?

It was a good ride today, but doing Tempo on a mtn bike is rough. I just don't have the gear to do it properly. The workout calls for a cadence of 70-75rpm, and I couldn't get it down that low unless it was up a hill. For the 40 minutes I probably averaged 86-88rpm...and as a result of that cadence, I couldn't get my HR up to where it needed to be. The only thing I can say is, it provided a good muscular workout.
Depending on how frisky I'm feeling tomorrow I might head out for another 2hrs and some of the dreaded Power Intervals. If I don't get a long session in tomorrow, then I won't be doing any 2+hr rides until after my race. This coming week I'll be switching to shorter rides with higher least that's the plan.

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