Monday, December 18, 2006

All quiet on the western front

Things have been kinda quiet lately...not a whole lot to talk about. It's that time of year where schedules become hectic. Tomorrow starts my final week of Base 1. This past week I didn't get my hours in that I had planned, due to Mother Nature having some plans of her own. Today was the only long ride I managed for the week, and it clocked in at just over 2hrs. As of today I've logged 2000 miles on the TCR... that averages out to 500 miles per month.

In other news, I finished reading The Tour, and you need to do yourself a favor and read both The Race and The Tour
. Dave Shields has crafted a wonderful story that begs to be read.

1 comment:

Dave Shields said...

I'm glad you enjoyed my books. Many thanks for spreading the word. You might also enjoy The Pendulum's Path, though that one involves a bit of mountain climbing instead of cycling.
Dave Shields