Monday, January 01, 2007

Out with the old, and in with the new.

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday, and you didn't overdo the merry-making.
It's official, 2006 is in the history books, and a new year is upon us. I, for one, am looking forward to '07. I think it's gonna be a good year for my racing.
I finished up 2006 with 4,300 miles logged-2300 of those on the new bike, and 620 of those miles were in the month of December...which was a record for me.
While my '07 training plan has not been perfect, it has been MUCH better than 2006's effort.
The power meter has been largely responsible for that. Since getting my Powertap I've seen that last year I was going way too hard during my Base training. This go 'round I'm keeping my efforts reeled in more effectively.

I'm pleased with my progress over the year. I've come a long way. Today I got out early for 3hrs of endurance paced riding. It was the first time I had logged 3hrs in months and months. When I was finished I felt pretty good. The legs were spent, but I certainly didn't feel the need to go lay down or anything. Compare that with my first 3hr rides early last year and you can see the difference.
Looking at those old posts I realize I didn't really bitch about them all that much, but damn they sure did kick my much so that I all but gave up on doing 3hr rides. 2.5hrs was the most I'd go for. What a difference a year can make (and of course, a new bike too).

Here's to 2007, may it be a prosperous one!

1 comment:

Rowbear said...

I can't believe you continued to race beginner class after doing that much training and having such good results. When I was a beginner I told myself I would move up after 3 podium finishes or a first place, which ever came first. There really aren't tactics in mountain bike racing, especially at the beginner level. You just go hard when you can for as long as you can. That's why so many people say mountain biking is more like a long time trial. It's not as tactical as road racing.

Regardless, I'm glad your so excited about racing. It is awesome. I'll probably be in the same wave as you at Ducktown, however, I am younger than you so we'll be starting at different times.