Sunday, August 14, 2005

Stan's Notubes verdict: Part 1 (continued)

I was expecting for it to be a couple of days before my next installment regarding the Stan's NoTubes, but circumstances dictated otherwise.

I was due to go on a ride this afternoon, so I was looking forward to having a total tubeless setup. It wasn't to be though. I never could get the tire to totally seal. I had a couple of sidewall leaks, and several small bead leaks. If it had only been the sidewall leaks I would've left it in, but bead leaks worried me. So what was I left to do? I pulled it. I took the tire off, pulled the rim strip, and cleaned the sealant out, and put a tube back in.

I don't have to tell you that I was seriously annoyed over this. Now, that said I will try the process again when I return from out of town. The guy I rode with today indicated that the amount of soap you use in sudsing up the rim and tire bead was a key component to the process. I thought I had soaped up the tire and rim pretty good, but I won't rule out the possibility of using more soap doing the trick.

So, the process continues. Hopefully there will be a part 2 to this whole drama, where I can talk about how well the tubeless conversion works.

To be continued...

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