Sunday, September 04, 2005

Stan's NoTubes verdict: Part 2

This was a long time coming, I'll tell ya. I got back from my trip, and I was hesitant to do the conversion on the back tire after that first failed attempt. I was almost at the point where I was gonna leave the tube in for the race, then the decision was made for me...divine providence, if you will. I got a flat on Friday. So I thought, what the hell I'll go ahead and to the conversion, maybe I had learned enough to get it to seal up this time. Friday night I sealed up the tire, or at least started the process. Bottom line, I finally got it to seal Sunday afternoon. *sigh.

So, after much fussing, and pouting about the whole thing, I am running a total tubeless setup. My first foray into the woods with my new setup occurred this evening, and so far so good. I hope it continues to perform well...especially during that race. I don't want to be out of the running by a damn flat tire. Being bested by another rider is one thing, but having a mechanical do you in... that's wrong.
I'll give a more detailed report on them in a few weeks, maybe after the race. In the meantime, if you decide to use the Stan's kit don't be surprised if it takes you days to get the tire/s totally sealed, instead of the 30 min-1hr that is advertised.

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