Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Why now?

North Florida hasn't gotten a whole lot of rain lately, which is not so good for the plant life, but it's been great for training. Well, starting on Monday the rain gods decided to rectify the problem. I'm not talkin' our usual light sprinkle...nosiree, we're talking full blown rain storms which culminated yesterday with thunder and lightning and some minor flooding.
As a result it really gummed up my training plans. Monday I was forced onto the trainer. I could go into one of my "I hate riding on the trainer" diatribes, but I'll save everyone and just leave it alone.

So, here we are in the middle of the week and I have yet to get an interval session in. Fortunately the weather is supposed to be better today, so I think I'll be able to get some quality training in. Hopefully. Check back to see if it happened or not.

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