Thursday, May 05, 2005

Let's ride!

I guess it's time to get my act together and get this training thing humming.
I've been doing intervals on an indoor trainer twice a week, but I've noticed that it had some negative impact on my riding. My trail rides were suffering in the speed department. On the up side, my aerobic capacity has increased. So it's not all bad news. I think I'm going to cut back to doing intervals just once a week. Twice a week is more than I can handle at this stage in my training.

In addition to the intervals once a week, I'm going to concentrate on one long distance ride a week. The route I have planned at the moment should clock in at around 14-15 miles. I'm looking forward to getting into a strong routine.

I think it's a good time for a pic of my soon to be, new ride. When I get the actual bike, It'll be time for some serious bike porn.

My new bike...except mine will be black anodized. Have I mentioned that I can't wait to get it? Posted by Hello

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