Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ride, ride, ride...then ride some more.

My second ride on the Blur, and it was a nice long one. 15.5 miles. These longer rides are easier to do than I thought. I really wish I'd considered doing them sooner. Ya know what they say though... hindsight is 20/20. The only thing I need to do is find some alternate routes that offer some good mileage. If I keep doing this same route, I can see it already, I'll get bored of it really quick. I'd like to keep upping the mileage on these long distance rides, but I think I'm getting ahead of myself.

I still have to work on my fitness, so my training will not change much for a while. I want to drop another 20lbs or so, then I can incorporate some riding skills(hill climbs, sprints, etc) into my weekly rides.

This may not be the best training program, but doggone it, it's workin' for me:

3 Weekly rides...
  1. 1hr interval training
  2. 1 long distance ride
  3. 1 ride of 8-10 miles
Now that I look at it, I probably should make that one ride a bit more structured. On that ride I typically ride with friends, so maybe I should just leave well enough alone for now. Yeah, I think I'll do that...just leave it be. Gotta have time to hang with friends, right? Plus, riding with others can be of some benefit.

My first race, which is why I'm doing all this, is still up in the air at the moment. The Florida State Championship Series starts in September, and one of the races will be held in Tallahassee- so that should be an easy one to get to. But I've long held a desire to compete in a 24 hr race (not solo mind you). In September is the 24hrs of Pisgah in North Carolina. If I could get some teammates, that would be a very cool event to try.

Now, maybe when I'm more fit and skilled I could try this total ass kicker of a race. 55 miles and 13,000 ft of climbing. That makes my legs sore just typing that!

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