Wednesday, May 25, 2005

We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave...

Summer has arrived here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Dammit!

Yesterday, it was a real scorcher. Depending on where you were, the temp was around 93-95 degrees. For our Canadian friends, that would be in the neighborhood of 35 degrees Celcius. It's making me sweat just thinking about it.

I missed my usual Monday ride, so something possessed me to ride yesterday, despite the weather. It was hot, make no mistake about it...especially when you stopped. While moving, you had the benefit of some air helping to keep you cool. When you stop though, look out! What did surprise me though, is that I handled the heat much better than I ever have in the past. It's amazing what getting in shape can do for you.

I hope that we still get some more moderate temperatures. I'd rather not go full tilt into summer right now. You hear me God? I'm asking for some mild temps at least until mid June. Do what you can...I appreciate it.

MY next update will most likely occur while I'm up in North Carolina. Gonna spend the Memorial Day weekend riding in Tsali. Ohh, and do I need to's cooler there?

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