Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Slower than ice cold molasses

Has anyone ever heard of that ancient disease called Dragon Ass? Well, my ass was a draggin' today.
Headed out for my usual Wed ride, and evidently I went off without my legs. I was so sluggish. My plan early on was to do my long distance ride today. 10 minutes into the ride I knew that wasn't happening. I cut it short around the 8 mile mark.
Hopefully my game will be on come Friday.

Just so you don't think my whole day was a disaster, there is some good news, real good news. I talked to the bike shop today, and finally everything has arrived. I'll be able to pick up my new bike this Saturday!

That little tidbit right there made my day...made my week, actually.

I'm outta here. Gonna try and find where I left my legs at.

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