Saturday, April 15, 2006

Droppin' the D-bomb

I was just over at Trek-VW racer Tristan Schouten's blog and he's stirred up a hornets nest [Edit- the posts on this topic have been removed by Schouten] over possible doping at the Sea Otter. In his blog he commented on seeing numerous pro racers using asthma inhalers moments before the race started. He even went so far as to name a couple names. I did some reading on asthma inhalers as a ergogenic aid, and there seems to be some debate over the usefulness of such products as an ergogenic aid.
Now I don't know the finer points of doping, but I am 110% against doping in sports. If you can't win using your natural, God given abilities then you need to take up a different croquet or something.

That said, Tristan's accusatory words, not having any real proof one way or another, sounded like sour grapes. He said he wasn't calling anyone a doper, but by him even bringing it up he was accusing them of doping. Are those guys dopers? Possibly. I hope not. I have great respect for their skills and I'd hate to see it come to light that they are in fact shameless doping cheats.
In today's society you have to be VERY careful about making accusations
. If you make an accusation and you end up being right, then you're the hero...but if you make an accusation and you're wrong, then you've damaged (possibly irreparably damaged) the reputation of that person.

You gotta love the drama that goes on in the cycling world, don't ya?

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