Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Where's the snap, crackle, and pop?

The last two days on the bike have been kinda weird. On Sunday and Monday's rides my legs have lacked that "snap"... you mtn bikers out there know what I'm refering to. It's that liveliness, a certain zing in your legs that makes it possible for you to ride really hard, or ride all day long. If you have that "snap" in your legs come race day, good things are in store for you. Having done "big gear climbs" and some "tempo" work on Sunday, it's no surprise that yesterday my legs felt lifeless, but here's the weird part... On both days I had some of my best average speeds. Averages were in the 19mph range. I felt sluggish and expected my speeds to reflect that, but instead I had some times/speeds that were dang near personal bests.

That's just one of those things that makes you go, "hmm."

Over at The Biking Hub, there is a good article on losing weight... from either you or the bike.
The article talks about how expensive it can be to drop weight from your bike, compared to dropping the same amount off of you. A couple of months ago I decided to see how much weight I could drop from my bike, and how much it'd cost to do it, just for grins. It would've cost me around $1100-$1200 to drop a pound and a half. That same $1200 could probably net me about 5 or 6 lbs off of my old Giant hardtail(even then I could buy a whole new bike for that much), but since my Santa Cruz is spec'd out so well it's hard to get much more than a couple of pounds off it.
I'm planning on getting a second set of wheels to use for racing, so that I can change tires to suit the course I'm racing but still be able to do my training rides/fun rides on my non race tires. I'll take that opportunity to get some uber light ones, but other than that I'm not gonna spend mega bucks to drop a pound or two off the bike. It's cheaper to take it off of me.

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