Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Turnin' those big gears

Anyone who's read my posts regarding "big gear climbs" knows that I've had a challenge with this particular exercise, due to my lack of suitable climbs. Well, today I tried a different approach.
I decided to ride into a headwind, using my hardest gear. I'm not sure how effective it's gonna be, but I'll give it a few more times before I pass judgement. Due to terrain issues, I couldn't get my cadence into the 50-60rpm range, instead I was between 65-70rpm. Also, instead of using HR for this, I went with RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion). For this interval/s my RPE hovered around a 7 out of 10. I think with a little more fine tuning of this I might be able to do the interval and do it with an RPE of 8 or better. One thing that will help will be a stronger headwind. How's that for a reversal? I was cursing headwinds just the other day, now I'm needing a stronger one. I tell ya, there's no pleasing me!

Other than that, I had a rather uneventful ride. 19 miles and 1hr...only 9 more to go for the week.

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