Saturday, February 03, 2007

I called that one wrong

I spoke too soon yesterday. This morning, the club was doing a ride known as "the Red Bay Loop". The day was full of drama. It started off with a flat tire, and then the replacement tube went kaboom in the living room...which at 7:30 in the morning is sure to get the blood pumping. Did I mention that was my only spare? I had to mooch one off the other riders, which I would pay for later on.
It was 34 degrees when I headed out, and it didn't warm up a whole lot for the rest of the day. We had a steady 15-20 mph wind. A wind which we never got a reprieve from. We either got a headwind or a crosswind, but never a tailwind.

About an hour and a half into the ride, that second spare tube gave out. It turns out it was patched. Thanks a lot for that one, I appreciate it. After getting yet another tube I was back on my way. My hands got a little cold, but my feet suffered the most, and I mean suffered. They hurt they were so cold. There were 4 of us in our new group and thank God one of them had parked his van at a secondary spot and he drove us back to our cars/town. I didn't get the total mileage I set out to get, but I didn't care.

The revised trip totaled 73 miles, but it felt like 173 miles. This ride definitely is the toughest/most grueling I've ever done, or hope to do.

At least I got my hours in, and I can take it easy tomorrow.

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